Dream meanings – What Are Your Dreams Telling You?


This article is all about dreams and their metaphysical meaning. Dreams can tell you a lot about yourself and the people around you. Dreaming is a vital aspect of our lives and we should listen to what they are trying to tell us. Like me, you too want to know more about what dreams mean. Many things can be gained from dreams:

better health (mental and physical)


financial gain (dreaming of an invention or idea)

As you are able to see, it pays to learn more about dream meanings! Interpreting dreams can be done by anyone as long as you are willing to simply learn how. Of course it’s going to take time and effort to master ‘the art of dream interpretations’. You can do all this on your own in your free time but you may get some tools from a metaphysical store that may further help you in interpreting them. The following is an effective outline of ways to remember and analyze your own dreams.

First Step:

To start with, you will require a notebook. The ability to recall your dreams is the most important step in figuring out their meanings. In some cultures it is customary to hang a dreamcatcher symbol above their bed and some people go as far as to tattoo a dreamcatcher. It not only helps us remember our dreams but it also fights nightmares.

Many of you are not going to like the idea of writing them down immediately after waking up. But unfortunately this is necessary. How can you ever figure out what your dream meanings are if you don’t have them on paper? However, there is an alternative. Use a small mini recorder, or an app on your phone that records you. Keep this device by your bed. Record your dreams instead of writing them down. This may take some time getting used to, but it has many advantages.

  • you speak faster than you write
  • you can add more details, it takes less time and effort than trying to write when you are sleepy
  • later on you will be able to analyze your own voice
  • your recall is better because it requires less concentration

However, you will need a notebook anyway. You need it to transfer your dream material from the tape to the book, to analyse it and to add additional notes. This way it is much easier and more effective to get the whole dream on paper.

But just keeping a notebook, or a handy recorder by your bed is not enough. It’s better to lay down and clear your head. Then start giving yourself the suggestion that you will remember your dreams when you wake up.

Useful tip – the dreams you have at the end of the dream-cycle are the most important ones. This means it is not necessary to write down your dreams in the middle of the night. Dreams are like plays. They go through several stages. Before finally giving you the finished product. The last dreams of the night are full of valuable dream meanings.

Second step

Relaxation is a must. As is maintaining good and steady sleeping methods. Take a moment and review the following steps:

Relax yourself completely. Make sure it is peaceful and quiet.

Think about the main issues on your mind. As you fall asleep, pay attention to the kind of thoughts going through your mind. This will usually be a clue of what your dreams are going to be about. If you want to dream about a certain issue, simply keep your mind on that thought while you fall asleep. This makes it easier to analyse the dream meanings the next day.

suggest to yourself to remember your dreams. Don’t overdo this. In order for it to work you should randomly bring this suggestion to the surface. “I will remember my dreams”… feel it and try to really convince yourself.

Plan on waking up slowly and peacefully. In order for you to remember your dreams, and thereby being able to find out the dream meanings, try to wake up in a natural way. This means before the alarm clock goes. Not getting enough sleep is the number one reason for not remembering your dreams. Waking up before the alarm clock means you have had enough sleep.

Eat healthy food. Eat a well balanced diet. Poor nutrition is a very common cause for dream recall failure.

Third step

Interpreting Basic Dream Themes – Identifying the basic theme of the dream sets the tone for the interpretation of the dream meanings. The following gives a short explanation:

Write down your dream (or record it). Then, preferably that same day, sit down and read it. Look at the dream from a different perspective. Look at it as a whole by taking away the details. Think logically about the possible dream meanings. For example:

You dream of a beautiful hall with shiny marble floors and incredible works of art on the walls. The pictures are framed in solid gold. There are breathtaking flowers situated in the corner. The ceiling is cathedral style, with graceful arches and ornate carvings. You get the distinct impression that you are alone, and in charge of its upkeep then you hear a faint scratching sound from the other end of the hall. You hurry down there and zero in on the sound. To your horror a mouse is chewing on the corner of a magnificent painting. You realize that if you do nothing at all, the work will be rendered worthless and ugly. But you know if you catch the mouse you can save the painting since little to no damage has been done, yet this leaves you with the uncertainty of whether you are able to catch the mouse.

You wake up feeling disappointed and remorseful, as you do not want to see something so important to you being destroyed.

Now you can figure out the dream meanings. To start the dream interpretation take away the details and create a theme. In this case: Someone sees something precious being senselessly destroyed. There is a chance to put an end to it, if acted upon quickly.

As you can see from the example, it’s not too difficult to figure out dream meanings. It’s just a matter of using common sense. As previously mentioned, if you have a dream that you can’t figure out by yourself:

Useful tip – The secrets for finding out themes: Take away all the details, names, things, places, etc. and leave only the action. This will give you a great clue about the dream meaning, but note that it is not the whole picture…

Fourth step

Match the Theme or Concept to a specific area of your life. Most of your dream meanings are not prophetic. You certainly must not assume this right away, as this will lead to many misinterpretations! The fact is that your dreams are usually selfish, meaning that they are specifically about you. Say, a good 90% of the time. Keep in mind, when analyzing dream meanings and you should be able to tie the theme to some particular part of your life.

Start off with the fact that the dream is about you, and a message for you. Then ask yourself, “What specific area of my life is this dream about?” Since you have already created the theme, you should be able to place the dream meanings into some aspect or condition present in your life. If you go with your gut feeling you will make the connection. You feel it and you know.

Sometimes your sleeping mind can arrive at conclusions far better than our normal thinking processes. Our lives are sometimes so complicated, and we can have so many things going on that could fit the theme. Our emotions are our best clue to pinpoint the exact dream meanings. Pay close attention to “your emotional state” whilst dreaming.

Fifth step

Universal symbols – After you have established the theme of the dream, it’s time to bring back the details. Details are often symbols. Even specific actions are sometimes symbols (such as falling). Symbols are for the most part a very personal thing. But in the conquest of finding out your dream meanings, there are however a certain number of symbols that seem to always mean the same thing for everybody. This is the metaphysical part of dreams.